Explanation of Fees
No fee is charged to students applying for Ashland University's undergraduate program. $50 is charged to international and graduate students applying for admission to any of the University's programs.
Students eligible for tuition reimbursement from their employers may request payment deferment up to the scheduled payment dates at the end of the semester. A $50 annual corporate reimbursement fee will be assessed. Interest, at a rate of 1.5 percent per month, will be assessed to all outstanding balances after the end of the semester.
To secure corporate reimbursement deferment, students must complete the requested information appearing on the registration form each semester. Students must indicate the amount of eligible reimbursement and obtain corporate authorization signatures. Those students eligible for partial reimbursement are required to pay their percentage or portion of the fees and charges at the time of registration. In your last semester, however, all fees must be paid prior to graduation.
A $300 enrollment deposit for full-time Undergraduate students is payable to Ashland University by June 1 for fall semester or December 1 for spring semester. This amount is fully applicable to first semester tuition charges, and is not refundable to those who do not enroll, unless the enrollment is canceled in writing prior to June 1 or December 1, whichever applies. For students admitted after June 1, the $300 enrollment deposit is due two weeks after notification of formal admission.
A fee is paid for each Field Experience/Internship/Student Teaching course. This fee provides for payment of postage, fax, phone, photocopies, payment to the cooperating teacher and costs for the University supervisor.
The graduation fee provides for a diploma and other commencement items. This is a one-time fee charged per diploma during the semester of enrollment preceding commencement. Please visit the Office of Records and Registration website for information.
- Non-Traditional Undergraduate (Accelerated Nursing, Online CJ, RN to BSN) - Associate, Bachelor $75
- Master $100
- Doctorate of Education $125
- Graduate Certificate $25
A fee of $125 will be charged to your student account for your orientation programs. This fee covers meals, materials and administrative fees during your Orientation experience (Summer Orientation (Part I) and Orientation Weekend (Part II). *The orientation fee will vary for non-traditional and transfer students that will be commuting.
All full-time students are required to reside in University housing, except as noted on the Off-Campus Housing Application Form which must be completed for off-campus housing approval. Exceptions to this policy must be granted through appeal process and approved by the Off-Campus Housing Committee comprised of faculty, staff and students. (Students who do not live on campus or purchase a meal plan may receive less financial aid.)
It is agreed and understood that a student may not cancel the agreement or be released from the agreement once the student has signed the contract. If a cancellation is granted, at the discretion of the Office of Residence Life, there will be a $500 Housing Cancellation Fee. Housing charges will be pro-rated based on the number of days in housing until the 60 percent point into the term, at which point there is no refund.
Students are held financially responsible for damages (other than normal wear and tear) to their room and in other areas of the residence hall or house.
This fee is assessed to full-time students and enables the offering of social, cultural, educational and recreational activities. This fee provides funding for chartered student organizations and selected services. Part-time students are assessed at a per credit hour rate.
This fee is assessed to full-time students and encompasses the technology fee, student health fee and recreation center fee. Non-traditional students may pay some or all the listed fees separately based on their chosen program.
The Learning Technology Fee is $46 per credit hour for all per credit hour billed students. This fee is to be used to support all functions of the Information Technology Department. This includes but is not limited to student computing, learning management systems, maintenance and purchase of computer lab computers. internet access, network infrastructure, printers, paper supplies and staffing.
All full-time undergraduate students are required to have health insurance and are automatically enrolled in the major medical portion of Ashland University’s insurance. Students have the option to waive the university’s coverage if they are currently covered by an individual or family coverage plan. All international students enrolled at Ashland University are required to enroll in this accident and sickness insurance plan sponsored by the University. This plan covers students for one year, at a cost of approximately $1,644 for full-time students.
A $94 fee per semester is paid by students to utilize the AU Student Recreation Center if you are not currently charged the Campus Access Fee.
An $83 fee per semester is paid by students to cover the Student Health Program and campus accident insurance, if you are not currently charged the Campus Access Fee.
Students traveling overseas in programs directly administered or affiliated with the University are charged a $125 fee by the Global Education Office. Students participating in international mission trips or choir/band tours will also incur a fee. For students participating in affiliated programs (CCIS and CCCS), the study abroad administrative fee is the only cost paid to Ashland University The fee supports the services related to the administration of study abroad programs at Ashland University including but not limited to advising, publications, marketing, information sessions by program providers, staffing, enrollment maintenance, transcript evaluation and credit transfer, pre-departure orientations, communication with host institutions and program development and review.
The comprehensive undergraduate tuition rate allows a student to take 12 to 19 semester hours each semester. An additional charge of $960 is made for each semester hour in excess of 19 hours. A student taking less than 12 hours pays tuition at the rate of $960 per semester hour plus $14 per credit hour activity fee and $46 per credit hour learning technology fee.
All international students are required to be enrolled full time during the academic year. For exceptions to the policy, the student must see an international student advisor.
Contact Information
Student Accounts
202 Founders Hall
800-882-1548 ext. 5022
Fax: 419-289-5014
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mail Payments To
Ashland University
Student Accounts - 202 Founders Hall
401 College Ave.
Ashland, OH 44805